Stay right in the photo -consider your camera more important than the toothbrush

If, on a trip, do you consider your camera more important than the toothbrush, do not miss this. And click many happy moments!

The holidays have arrived, finally! Were you counting the minutes to enjoy the day away from school, is not it? Then it's time to prepare your digital camera to lose no time unforgettable. Here are some tips to make your pictures superlegais:

• At night, if you leave the "automatic" mode, the risk of error is smaller. Even if you are in a lighted environment, do not dismiss the use of flash for the picture to be clearer. But if you are very dark, so that you can put the design of a moon and a doll. Thus, the background becomes brighter. But be careful not to move the machine, or you can leave a blur.

• Self-portrait: who does not like shooting yourself, alone or with someone on the side? For the photo does not leave a disaster, should take some care. "Try not to move too much or camera shake when pressing the button," advises Mark Corazza, a photographer from Sao Paulo. He also remembers that it is important to note the minimum distance from the focus. "There are cameras that just take photos with perfection from 1 meter away," he says. And remember to fire the flash.

People and landscapes : often, professionals recommend that the photographer back to the sun when you click one outdoors on a sunny day. But if this is not possible, there is a trick: get the sun and its setting fire the flash to illuminate the person's face, as he will be in shadow. And do not forget to see if you are not "cutting the head" of the shooting.

 Red Eye: cameras with pre-flash (when some flashes are fired before the "official") avoid this problem. But if you do not have one of these, an image editing program on your computer solves.

Memory card: if you travel, take more than one memory card to save on not having to click. But if you can not, after filling a card, go to a photo shop, download the contents of the machine and record everything on a CD.

Resolution: even if you will put the photos on the internet, it is preferable to take them with higher resolution and download to your computer. So you do not regret having taken pictures too small to print. The minimum requirement for a 10x15 photo is 3.0 megapixels. But shooting at 5.0 beeem best quality leaves.

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